Rick Smith

Impostor syndrome

6 Signs You Might Be Suffering from Impostor Syndrome and What to Do About It

Do you think you’re a big fraud? Are you afraid everyone else is going to find out? It’s natural to sometimes feel inadequate but you could be suffering from a much more serious ailment known as impostor syndrome. What Is Impostor Syndrome? impostor syndrome is the internal belief that you’re not as competent as others

6 Signs You Might Be Suffering from Impostor Syndrome and What to Do About It Read More »

Ignite Your Passion

Ignite Your Online Business: Leveraging Passion for Explosive Growth

Imagine waking up every morning, your heart racing with excitement. You’re not dreading the workday; instead, you’re eager to dive into something you truly love. That’s the power of passion in business. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, understanding how passion drives success is essential. What is Passion? Passion isn’t just

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The Entrepreneur’s Survival Guide: Why Preparedness is Key to Thriving in Business

Today I’m thrilled to introduce to you my friend and fellow entrepreneur Bill Basinger. Bill runs a survival website and he has some interesting insights to share with you. It’s all yours Bill! Understanding the Landscape: Business Environment vs. Wilderness In the vast and often treacherous landscapes of both the business world and the wilderness,

The Entrepreneur’s Survival Guide: Why Preparedness is Key to Thriving in Business Read More »

The Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter

How the Cheshire Cat Can You Help You Find Your Business Purpose

Have you ever felt like Alice, wandering through Wonderland, asking, “Which way should I go?” Trust me, you’re not alone! In Lewis Carroll’s whimsical tale, Alice meets the mischievous Cheshire Cat, who drops some seriously sage advice: “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” Sound familiar? Yup, finding your

How the Cheshire Cat Can You Help You Find Your Business Purpose Read More »

Stepping into the Unknown: What Happens if I Start an Online Business?

The Internet age has leveled the playing field allowing anyone with a laptop and an idea to launch their own online venture. But before you dive headfirst into the exciting, yet often unpredictable, world of online business, it’s natural to wonder: what happens if I take the leap? What kinds of changes will I face

Stepping into the Unknown: What Happens if I Start an Online Business? Read More »